Neighbors serving neighbors

Neighbors helping neighbors

Neighbors loving neighbors

Neighbors serving neighbors

Neighbors helping neighbors

Neighbors loving neighbors

We're on a MISSION to serve and love

through our Ministries

You may be the only Bible a person ever reads

.....Peter was grieved because he said unto him the third time, Lovest thou me? And he said unto him, Lord, thou knowest all things; thou knowest that I love thee. Jesus saith unto him,
Feed my sheep.

John 21:17 KJV

We're on a MISSION to serve and love through our Ministries

You may be the only Bible a

person ever reads

.....Peter was grieved because he said unto him the third time, Lovest thou me? And he said unto him, Lord, thou knowest all things; thou knowest that I love thee. Jesus saith unto him,
Feed my sheep.

John 21:17 KJV

Our Ministries

We are the hands and feet of Jesus. We have dedicated our lives to glorifying God by serving all those struggling to overcome hopelessness brought on by many of life's disadvantages including but not limited to disease, poverty, old age, and mental health issues.

Thrift Store

Our thrift store is open 5 days a week and all of our clothes are sold at just $.99.

Food Pantry

The food pantry is open M-W-F from 2-5pm. Recipients are allotted to come 1x per week.

Distribution Center

The distribution center is open periodically and everything is given away free. A recipient is allotted a certain number of items. All the items here are general merchandise.

Southern In Reach the Streets

This ministry was founded to help fulfill the gap that we noticed outside of the bigger metro areas in Southern Indiana between Indianapolis and Louisville metros. We envision setting up a mobile food pantry at different churches throughout the month.

Our Ministries

We are the hands and feet of Jesus. We have dedicated our lives to glorifying God by serving all those struggling to overcome hopelessness brought on by many of life's disadvantages including but not limited to disease, poverty, old age, and mental health issues.

Thrift Store

Our thrift store is open 5 days a week and all of our clothes are sold at just $.99.

Food Pantry

The food pantry is open M-W-F from 2-5pm. Recipients are allotted to come 1x per week.

Distribution Center

The distribution center is open periodically and everything is given away free. A recipient is allotted a certain number of items. All the items here are general merchandise.

Southern In Reach the Streets

This ministry was founded to help fulfill the gap that we noticed outside of the bigger metro areas in Southern Indiana between Indianapolis and Louisville metros. We envision setting up a mobile food pantry at different churches throughout the month.

We can't exist without you

Become a monetary donor

Volunteer your time

Donate Items

Did You Know?

Approximately  37.9 million people or 11.6 % of the United States live below the poverty line

Did You Know?

9.2 % of the world live in extreme poverty. Extreme poverty is considered less than $2.15 a day

Did You Know?

The poverty line in the United States is $14,580 for an individual and $30,000 For a family of 4.

Did You Know?

6.3 million people are considered working poor. Working poor are those who work atleast 27 hours a week but still fall below the poverty line.

Did You Know?

4.3 % of all workers in the United States are considered working poor.

Miss Rebecca

I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

~Philippians 4:13

We can't exist without you

Become a monetary donor

Volunteer your time

Donate Items

Did You Know?

Approximately  37.9 million people or 11.6 % of the United States live below the poverty line

Did You Know?

9.2 % of the world live in extreme poverty. Extreme poverty is considered less than $2.15 a day

Did You Know?

The poverty line in the United States is $14,580 for an individual and $30,000 For a family of 4.

Did You Know?

6.3 million people are considered working poor. Working poor are those who work atleast 27 hours a week but still fall below the poverty line.

Did You Know?

4.3 % of all workers in the United States are considered working poor.

Miss Rebecca

I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

~Philippians 4:13

With your help we have served so many

As of August 2023.....

21,725 Individuals Served

$ Amount of Donations Distributed $6,731,000

192,000 lbs of food distributed

Over 680,000 lbs diverted from landfills and given to the needy

With your help we have served so many

As of August 2023.....

21,725 Individuals Served

$ Amount of Donations Distributed $6,731,000

192,000 lbs of food distributed

Over 680,000 lbs diverted from landfills and given to the needy

Indianapolis, Beech Grove, Greenwood, Taylorsville, and now mobile distributions in Southern Indiana will begin. This year 1st quarter 2023 we have served free product distributions and food to just under 8,000 people 2,500 familes. We have diverted approximately 324,000 lbs of general merchandise returns and overstock that was destined for a landfill and got it into the hands of the elderly, disabled, homeless, needy, and veteran populations here in Indiana.

8224 Madison Ave Indianapolis IN, 46227


Indianapolis, Beech Grove, Greenwood, Taylorsville, and now mobile distributions in Southern Indiana will begin. This year 1st quarter 2023 we have served free product distributions and food to just under 8,000 people 2,500 familes. We have diverted approximately 324,000 lbs of general merchandise returns and overstock that was destined for a landfill and got it into the hands of the elderly, disabled, homeless, needy, and veteran populations here in Indiana.

8224 Madison Ave Indianapolis IN, 46227


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